- Reiseglocken
- Sean Wellfayer
Hund Chopper
- shilda MacHinry
- The Mermaid's Lure
rwin Rohand (Rationen)
Harron riswald (Wasser)
1. Stock
Thora Shadyleaf
Borden Mannus (Wasser)
Tyler reston
Nimber Fastfoot
Shanda Tierbold
- eris Lightwind
Umli rayfist
- rrell Silvertongue
- lissa Cleeway
- Qeynos Shipyard
lfred Ironforge
(Level 10 Tradeskill Trainer)
Carpenter addock
Overseer Scarborough
ngineer Fezzlbop
ssistant Heckinfez
8. Kayva Illbrax
- Marrus Kilderoy
- rmorsmith Nelis reenpocket
- rmorsmith Tanua Dorlin
- rmorsmith ael inewhisper
- uard Thoroden
Hund Kehlnen
- uard Yarwick
uard Shiningleaf
- Scaly Cogwind
Reed Freowen
Cindy Silverdew
Stephen rescott
- Devona Ironforge
(Level 20 Tradeskilltrainer)
Merchant hen Domlinson
16. Broker lgernon
- Nelson Hereford
- Scribe Sheldon Lamport
Royal ccountant Fowler
uard Macally
Scholar aladin
- Loomis illiam
- TheSirens Song
1 O mma Bonham
2 O ortis Bonham
- Biv Undershade
- Fish's lehouse and Inn
Bartender Birney bbot (Wasser)
Miranda Whiting
Keigwyn Macinshire
nnita Landom
Ceilia bbot (Rationen)
Innkeeper alsway
1 O Morgan Whiting
2 O Cordun Breland (Beyatral?)
- choes of Destiny
Scribe ssistant Zara
Madam Istynia
Chelsen Bonner
Telarylle Skyscream
- rmorsmith Tala MacMorgan
- Knight-Commander Maeldraggelien
uard Rothun
Ian Cathlan
- The Harbor Cache
- Slayd Lancet
- rmorsmith Renee therton
- rmorsmith Minda Broadfett
- Clock of k'non
Killian Haywood
30.Broker liindar
- rmorsmith Thomas Bodley
Weaponsmith Heather therton
rmorsmith Jarek O`Kelly
- uard Velwich
uard Fosun
- uard venwood
Hund Rolstein
- Sinabella Springsharp
Weaponsmith Dorian Lyretune
- The Qeynos Hold
Banker Robert Newburry
Banker risvane Stoueem
Banker William Coldwell
- uard Taburg
uard lderstrike
Hund Bluto
- Sir idan odard
Mendor raxan
Smith Holgren
- The rounds of Fate (eschlossen)