Beta|Die Beta hat begonnen!
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 10. 2004 um 01:32 Uhr
Zyrkon hat uns soeben mitgeteilt, dass sich etwas auf der offiziellen Seite getan hat. Jeder die aktuelle News dort liest wird umkippen, die Beta hat begonnen. Auf der Seite lesen wir, dass SOE die Beta in mehrere Phasen aufgeteilt hat.
Phase 1: Mitarbeiter und deren Freunde sowie Verwandte
Phase 2: Legend subscriber, Lords of EverQuest Vorbesteller und anderen special Leuten (VIP)
Phase 3: Einschreiber bei SOE (bevorzugt Langspieler von EQ1) und Gewinner von Slots
Die Auserwählten, die in der deutschen, britischen oder französichen Beta mitspielen dürfen erhalten in den nächsten Wochen eine Email von SOE. Diese Phase der Beta soll so gut wie gleichzeitig mit der entsprechenden Phase der US-Beta beginnen.
Neben diesen Informationen werden uns noch ein paar Stats genannt wie zum Beispiel welcher Archetype am häufigsten bisher gespielt wurde (Fighter gefolgt von Mage, Priest und Scout) oder welche Rasse am häufigsten ausgewählt wurde.
Teilt uns im Forum mit, was ihr gerade denkt, wir freuen uns darauf.
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 10. 2004 - 01:34 Uhr
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| An EverQuest II Beta Update
Hello all,
Some weeks have passed since we began taking EverQuest II beta applications, so we thought the community was due for an update on the status of the beta program.
I`m happy to report that we`re pleased by the things we`ve learned through our in-house testing and are now ready to expand this private phase by bringing in family members and other close associates to help us test the game further.
After this initial phase, we will begin inviting testers who qualify for special phases of our beta. This will start with our long-term Legends subscribers, followed by those who took advantage of our Lords of EverQuest preorder offer and other special promotions. This will be followed by a wider public beta consisting of people who applied on our official website, with preference given to long-term EverQuest subscribers. Those who won slots in beta through contests and giveaways will be invited sometime during this phase.
Our French, German, and British beta tests will be timed to coincide as much as possible with similar phases of the US beta. Applicants to the European beta will be contacted in the coming weeks with more details on those programs.
Finally, I thought it would be fun to share with you some details gleaned from our beta program since the last player wipe. Many of us have been playing at home until the wee hours of the morning, and it`s interesting to see how some of these stats are shaping up.
The most-played adventure archetype is the fighter, followed by mage, priest, and scout. The most-played races are dark elf, half elf, and kerra; the least-played races are ogre, halfling, and troll. The ratonga are just edging out humans right in the center of the pack. The wealthiest character has nearly two gold to his name (remember, we`re on a base 100 monetary system as opposed to EverQuest`s base 10). Lots of characters already have multiple days played, so we`re happy to report that people are having fun playing!
Thanks once again for your interest in EverQuest II. We`re looking forward to seeing many of you in beta!
Steve Danuser
Community Manager, EverQuest II |