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EQ2|Interview und Screenshots auf Warcry

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 17. 2004 um 09:33 Uhr

Neben den zwei Screenshots, welche einmal eine Resident in Freeport und ein Wegweiser in der gleichnamigen Stadt zeigen.

Aber wer glaubt, dass das schon alles war, der liegt falsch. Warcry bietet uns auch ein Interview mit Moorgard. Wir haben für euch wieder einmal die Zusammenfassung:
  • Was ein PC craften kann, dass hängt nicht von der Gesinnung ab, sondern von dem eigenen Skill und dem Beruf (Rüstung, Waffen, Tränke etc.). Es wird einige Gegenstände geben, die einzig von Artisanen erkauft werden können. So spielt die Wirtschaft (Crafting und mehr) in EQ2 eine entscheidende Rolle.
  • Experience ist in EQ2 an der Anzahl von Personen fest gemacht, die gegen ein bzw. mehrere Monster kämpfen und nicht an der Höhe des Schadens. So werden einzelne Charaktere wie Heiler nicht ausgegrenzt. Aber wie schon bekannt, umso mehr Personen in einer Gruppe sind, desto mehr Experience wird man erhalten, zumal die Downtime in Gruppen geringer ist bzw. verringert werden kann.
  • Basiszaubersprüche erhält man durch das stetige Leveln. Upgrades und zusätzliche Zaubersprüche erhält man durch das Kaufen bei Artisanen, bei Beendigung von Quests oder durch Loot.
  • Moorgard versichert, dass es nach Release (irgendwann) verschiedene Arten von Servern (Rollenspielserver, PvP-Server etc.) geben wird, aber zur Zeit ist es Ziel ein Spielprinzip zu schaffen, welches allen gerecht wird.
  • Habt ihr Anmerkungen? Dann lasst euch von keinem Ork aufhalten und schreibt es in das Forum.

    Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 17. 2004 - 09:38 Uhr

    And now for the interview with Steve "Moorgard" Danuser!

    Question One:

    Ravenorous - Let`s briefly discuss the economy in EQ2. To what degree will players support the economy in-word, aside from the atypical quests and loot, will certain objects only be craftable by players of a certain profession/race?

    Moorgard - We have an entire advancement path dedicated to crafting, and there will be many items in game that can only be purchased from artisans. Spell upgrades, food and drink, potions, poisons, and many types of accessories and trinkets will be obtainable from your friendly neighborhood artisans. And as we`ve said before, the crafting of weapons and armor at all levels will be an important part of the economy.

    Question Two:

    Ravenorous - It seems many different MMORPGs have a different system for experience distribution while grouped. Often some give bonuses to groups. Sometimes experience is gauged based on the amount of damage you do, thus leaving healers in the cold. This applies to both PvP and PvE. How will EQ2 distribute experience for groups and for more passive characters, such as healers?

    Moorgard - Experience is divided evenly among members of a group regardless of profession or the amount of damage you do to the opponent. Support roles such as healing or power replenishment are just as vital to the success of a good party as doing damage, so they should be rewarded appropriately.

    Grouping is encouraged through our experience system. Rather than giving an encounter a set amount of experience and dividing it by the number of people in the group, we essentially add additional experience for every member in the group. Since downtime is greatly reduced in a large group and you will be able to defeat opponents at a faster pace, larger groups gain experience at a much faster rate than anyone can alone. But even smaller groups provide lots of action and excellent experience gain.

    Question 3:

    Ravenorous - Give us a short detail on Spell casting in the game. Is the spell system any different from EverQuest`s? Do you learn new spell abilities as you level, or are they learned through completing tasks? I imagine different mage classes do different kinds of damage, what differentiates them?

    Moorgard - Basic spells are granted automatically as you level up. Upgrades and additional spells will be gained by purchasing them from artisans, doing quests, and from loot drops. The classes and subclasses of mage have different specialties: sorcerers deal large amounts of damage directly; summoners use pets as their damage output; enchanters specialize in crowd control and have the best buffs to enhance the damage output of the party.

    Question 4:

    Ravenorous - Obviously grouping is very much encouraged in EQ2, but soloing opportunities will be made daily. Tell me a little bit about the penalties for higher level grouping with those of more disparate levels.

    Moorgard - We currently have grouping guidelines similar to those in EQ, where members of a party must be within four levels or 75% of the highest member in order to gain experience. We`ve talked about the possibility of other systems that would allow people of greater level rangers to adventure together, but don`t have any definite plans along those lines as of yet.

    Question 5:

    Ravenorous - Finally, as you have advanced a bit in Beta, I wanted to ask you about a rather important question to many in community. As diversified as our interests are, from powergamers to casual ones, PvPers to passive players, I wanted to ask you, on behalf of roleplayers who prefer a more subdued atmosphere for character development if you will possibly, in the future, designate a server for those with differing interests.

    Moorgard - I`m sure that we`ll implement a variety of server types as the game progresses, and certainly a roleplay server would be a popular choice. The number and timing of special rules servers depends entirely on how much development time we`d have to devote to such a concept. Our focus right now is creating a deep and entertaining gameplay experience for all players, so that`s our priority up through release.

    Thank you Steve for taking time our of your busy schedual to come talk to us. And thanks again to Sean Kauppinen for setting everything up for us! See you next time folks



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