Beta|Weiterer Beta Server ist online
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 03. 2004 um 16:12 Uhr
Der US Community Manager Moorgard hat nun offiziell den Start des zweiten Betaservers bekannt gegeben.
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| "Hello all,
I'm pleased to announce that on Saturday, October 2, we opened up the second EverQuest II English-language beta server. This makes our fourth beta server overall, as testing continues on our French and German language-specific servers.
We sent out thousands of invitations this weekend to bring many new players into our beta program. This allowed us to perform a load test on our beta server, which provided valuable information vital to the testing process. The opening of our second English-language beta server will allow us to bring in even more players and further diversify the EverQuest II beta community.
Our thanks go out to the many testers currently in our beta program. We've received a lot of great feedback that has helped us make EverQuest II even better, and we look forward to having more players participating very soon. |
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