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EQ2|Neues Mentorensystem

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 09. 2005 um 07:22 Uhr

Auf der offiziellen wurde bakannt gegeben das es ein neues Mentorensystem gibt. Es bedeutet jemand mit weit höherem Level als sein Schüler kann trotzdem mit diesem zusammen spielen. Per Rechtsklick auf den Charakter der unterrichtet werden soll kann es aktiviert werden. Ist man selbst schon Level 37 aber sein Freund ist erst 14 so können beide dennoch zusammen losziehen und bekommen auch loot und exp. Das Level des Spielers der das größere Level hat wird herunter gesetzt auf das des anderen, in diesem Fall 14. Wird der Unterricht beendet so kehrt an wieder zurück zu seinem ausgangslevel. Beachtet aber auch das ihr dann auch nur die Spells zur Verfügung habt die es für den neuen Level gibt.

Link: Mentorensystem
Link: Forum

Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 09. 2005 - 07:25 Uhr

Mentoring allows new players to become an Apprentice and learn the ins and outs of EverQuest II by teaming up with their higher-level friends. Experienced players can act as a Mentor to their lower-level allies, playing alongside them and helping them advance faster. It allows friends to play with friends, regardless of level differences. Mentoring also lets players go back and experience battles or zones they may have missed as they leveled up.

How Mentoring works:

• Form a group with one or more other players.

• Right-click on a lower-level player and you`ll see the option to Mentor them.

• When you start Mentoring, your effective level will be changed to be the same as that of your Apprentice. This will allow you and your Apprentice to receive experience, loot, and quest credit together as you both adventure through the game.

• You can select "Stop Mentoring" if you wish to cease being a Mentor to your ally.

• If your Apprentice decides to leave the group or exit the game, you will return to your original higher level.

Benefits for the Apprentice:

• If you become an Apprentice to a higher-level friend, you`ll receive an experience bonus.

• Up to five players may act as your character`s Mentor at any given time. The more Mentors you have, the greater your experience bonus.

• Note: If you are being Mentored, you cannot act as a Mentor to another player.

Benefits for the Mentor:

• Mentors get to help friends advance and experience content they may have missed when leveling up. Mentoring gives you the chance to go back and revisit all the fun of the earlier levels whenever you want to!

• When you Mentor another player, all maintained spells will be dropped from your character. The effectiveness of your gear will scale down to the same level as your Apprentice. You will function as if you really are the same level as your Apprentice, so you need to use spells and arts that are appropriate for that level.

• Since Mentors are reducing their level to help "teach" a friend, they don`t earn the same amount of experience they would at their normal level. The rate at which Mentors gain experience depends on the level of the Apprentice. Taking on an Apprentice that is level 20 or lower will provide little XP to the Mentor, while Mentoring someone level 25 or higher will provide a more significant XP gain.

• You may gain combat experience only when you`re within reward range (50 meters) of your Apprentice. You can only gain combat experience when your Apprentice earns it too.



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