SOE|Mythic Boss kritisiert Station Exchange
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 24. 2005 um 16:59 Uhr
Wie das Computer Games Magazine Online berichtet,kritisiert Marc Jacobs das Verhalten von Sony Online Entertainment.Laut dem Chef von Mythic Entertainment (Dark Age of Camelot), ist die Station ExchangeAktion eine der schlechtesten Entscheidungen der MMORPG-Geschichte. Eswürde schliesslich nicht nur die Everquest 2 Spieler betreffen, wennman den Ingame-Handel legalisiert. Der florierende Markt für dritteParteien wird in allen Spielen stark angehoben. In a statement posted at,Jacobs calls Sony Online's decision, " of the worst decisions inthe history of the MMORPG industry." Jacobs adds that the StationExchange will not only hurt players of Everquest II if Sony has todelete certain items from the game but that it will also allow thirdparty virtual item companies to actually increase their activity.Jacobs also says Mythic has had opportunities to start ventures likeStation Exchange for their own MMO game Dark Age of Camelot but as hestates, "We remain committed to keeping our games as games and not asopportunities to encourage behavior that runs counter to their spiritof creativity and entertainment." The article also hasa statement from Sony Online president John Smedley who states, "Insatisfying the broad player demand for a service such as StationExchange, SOE is again innovating, and any innovation is bound to haveits critics." Smedley adds that Station Exchange will give players achance to gain items "without concern that they will be scammed." Thecompany will continue to combat hacking into their MMO games or viadisruptive gameplay.
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