SOE|Moorgard zu den Übersetzungen
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 23. 2005 um 23:13 Uhr
Im französischen Forum hat sich Moorgard, Community Manager für die englischen Server, zu der andauernden Problematik der Übersetzungen im Spiel geäußert. Auf den genauen Grund warum dies so ist geht er nicht ein. Er gibt uns lediglich Informationen darüber, dass die Entwicklung durch die hohe Anzahl an Programmierern sehr viel schneller voran kommt, als mit den zahlenmäßig unterlegenen Übersetzern die Übersetzungen.
1. Translation: This is an ongoing issue that is of course very important to players. Unfortunately there are many factors that make translation challenging. It is true that new text is translated and added to the game on a regular basis. However, you have noticed that things that were previously translated sometimes end up reverting to English. This is due to the fact that development and tuning of the game never stops. In recent weeks, for example, we`ve been conducting a quest audit in which text errors are fixed in the English version and many of the quests are being altered to be more fun and more clear. The unfortunate side effect of changes like this (or item name changes, or changes to the user interface) is that the French and German versions of the game see that text has changed and thus no longer point to the translations since they are technically no longer valid. This is what causes translated text to revert to English. While in hindsight it may have been more ideal for us to have a way to point to the translated text no matter what changes were made to the English side, that`s a structural change that would take an immense amount of work to implement, and it isn`t currently something we have scheduled to do. Our internationalization team puts in a lot of hours trying to fix and update translations, but they`re simply outnumbered by our US development team. There are far more people working on the game and making changes than there are internationalization people. They keep up as best they can, but obviously they fall behind. |
Link: Beitrag von Moorgard (Übersetzung folgt) Link: Kommentare im Forum