Interview|Heather Graham im Interview
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 12. 2005 um 18:44 Uhr
Antonia Bayle in menschlicher Gestallt, zumindest was ihre Stimme betrifft. Heather Graham lieh der Königin von Qeynos ihre Stimme und beantwortete nun auf OGaming ein paar Fragen rund um das MMOG Genre.
Whether starring alongside Mike Meyers in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, doubling as Boogie Nights’ Rollergirl or moonlighting on hit TV show Scrubs, Hollywood’s Heather Graham is always easy on the eyes. Ditto for digital appearances: As EverQuest II’s Antonia Bayle, she also cuts quite the amazing figure on your flat-screen LCD display or 19” CRT monitor. With any luck, we’ll be seeing more of the sexy starlet – who claims not only a love for all things fantasy-related, but a general preference for massively multiplayer titles – in the virtual space shortly. But until then, here’s an exclusive interview to help keep your hormones under control: |
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