Interview|Gilde Leviathan und Soffrina
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 14. 2007 um 01:32 Uhr
Die Interviews mit Gilden nehmen kein Ende. Auf der englischen Seite von gibt es eines mit der französischen Gilde Leviathan, welches von der französischen Community Managerin Soffrina durchgeführt wurde.
Learning about Leviathan
EverQuest II is a game that reaches across international boundaries and brings together people of a myriad of nataions and backgrounds. Soffrina, the French Community Representataive recently intereviewed members of the guild "Leviathan" for the French Players site, and we thought it would be nice to share a little insight about this guild with a wider audience. If you have ever wondered how similar your guild is to your international peers, this is a chance to take a look and see where you match up.
What inspired you in choosing the name Leviathan?
We had a good time while trying to come up with the name of the guild. We were on a mission to find an impressive Latin name, but we were unable to find any interesting names that were not already taken ^_^. We then researched a variety of cultural references, and luckily were saved by a providential announcement by one of the guild members (Thanks Aks), who said "Leviathan." After verifying the origins of the word and its significance, we all said banco!
When was the guild created?
The guild was created at the beginning of 2007, and we hope that it’s going to continue to grow.
What is the name of your guild leader?
We decided to have dual leadership for our guild, in order to ensure different views are expressed to the benefit of the guild. The duet consists of: Efoy, and Kirion. |
Link: Zum englischen Interview