EQ2 | Beschwerde Thread im offiziellem Forum
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 09. 2006 um 19:15 Uhr
Wie uns Qubic darauf aufmerksam gemacht hat, haben die Kollegen von Mystics und Qubic selber eine Liste zusammengestellt mit all den Übersetzungsproblemen. Wäre jetzt nix neues, es gibt viele Threads und das Denglish in EQ2 mit seinen Folgen für den Spielspass ist altbekannt. Jedoch ist dieser Thread im english sprachigen Forum geschrieben worden und wir alle hoffen auf mehr Druck durch uns User auf SOE.
During the last week, the members of one of the greatest EverQuest 2 Community Pages in Germany created a compiled list of problems in and about the localized version of EQ2 in Germany. I'm pretty sure, the french community has most of the problems mentioned below too.
We will continue and enhance this list if necessary, for we're somewhat sick of being ignored by SOE. We'd love to get new players into the game, but to tell the truth the existing issues are a far too big thing to say "Yes, EQ2 is fine - play it! You'll love it".
I apologize if my english isn't that good at all. |
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Performance Issues
- Not only, but especially in raid zones, the game performance is unacceptable at the moment. This issue regards "non-instanced" zones
("Castle Mistmoore" for example) and instanced zones as well, though the former seems to be affected more. Actually, it is not possible to hold an organized and well coordinated raid with the problem mentioned. Not only the german servers seem to suffer from the lag peaks - at least, we know that Runnyeye has similar or the same problems. - Generally, the game feels dull - naturally, the higher the server load, the more. NPCs or the bells on the docks "spawning" very late are
an indication of the zone-or realm servers are working at their limit. Especially in highly frequented areas like East Freeport, NPCs like the broker need up to 10 seconds to appear during prime time.
Localization Issues
- The problem with quest (and other) texts being translated half-hearted still exists. In fact, a "logical unit" (means for example a chat with a NPC from beginning to the end, with all multiple choice possibilities) is often only translated to up to 50% - or worse.
- Translations are still getting lost after a new patch has gone live. For example, the zone name "Butcherblock Mountains" changes to "Hackklotzberge" (nice translation in my opinion, not kidding!) with one patch and changes back to its English name with the next patch.
Please note, that this is just an example - as far as I know, the translation of "Butcherblock Mountains" in particular has never been reverted by a patch. - Somewhat funny, but confusing at all: it happens often enough, that a player harvests a "Heat", a "Poison Damage" or a "-47" - just some examples, the list is never ending.
- Quests: mob names' translations aren't consequent. An example would be a mob called "scharfer Einsiedler" (roughly "sharp hermit"), being called "streng riechender Einsiedler" (roughly "strongly smelling hermit") in the questlog.
- Further, the problem still exists that mobs spawn with their database IDs as their name - it a great plus to the game's atmosphere to meet a "/GET(1234)/1234/".
- An interesting issue is, that some mobs spawn with the "translated" version of their name as well as with their original Englisch name. However, if you have to kill this particular mob type for a quest, it doesn't mean that both of them give a quest update.
- Crafting: due to inaccurate or missing translations of recipes or components, the whole crafting process gets far more complex than intended for players of the localized versions. Every single name of every recipe, component, spell, or whatever MUST be consistent on its way from the raw components to the broker to prevent unnecessary effort and frustration.
- All translation and localization problems exist since EQ2 went live over 2 years ago! If you can't fix it, than give us the possibility to play on the localized server with the english client, cause it is terribly frustrating to have the atmosphere and the motivation to continue playing killed due to all the problems we have over here. Also, some performance issues seem just to exist due to the "on the fly" translation and could easily be fixed this way.
Support issues
- The live chat, originally intended as a place to get support by a game master or another employee of the SOE customer service, is plain worthless, cause we don't get anny support there at all. In fact, nobody seems to be around to support us.
- Official German forums: to address annoying things doesn't seem to make any sense. We don't get a feedback at all - in fact, "uncomfortable" threads or posts just get moved anywhere else. Actually, if a moderator moves a thread or post, the original entry is replaced by a message where to find the entry. In the German forums, we get the message "to follow the link to its new location", but there's no link at all.
- It seems like we only have one native speaking Gamemaster at all (for three servers). He does a good job, but one GM to address dozens of tickets per day isn't enough.
An example: A raid force consisting of 20+ people tries to raid a zone with a reuse timer - as a result of stability problems, the zone server crashes and every member of the raid force "wakes up" in front of the zone doorway with the reuse timer being set. Without a just-in-time support (in this case to reset the timer), the journey is over. The fun is over.
This example is representative for all kinds of critical problems - for every single thing being worth to open a ticket and wait for a employee of SOE to solve it. This kind of pure displeasure desires for SOEs attention and may not be took lightly.
Common Terms In this case, the translation bureau went a little too far, though it's a good thing to show that SOE cares (or seems to care) about the localization. Probably it would be a good idea to proceed the translation based on "Topics" and not based on "I saw something to translate".
- AFK (Away from Keyboard) - translated with NAC (Nicht am Computer, "Away from Computer"), though "AFK" is a common known term among players.
- LFG (Looking for Group) - translated with SNG (Suche nach Gruppe), though "LFG" is commonly known as well.
- The title "Sir" - translated with "Herr". You should know that the translation "Herr" means "Sir" and "Mister" as well. Every German you'd ask for the English term would say "Mister". And "Mister Atakios, Slayer of Gnolls" sounds a bit ... funny. "Herr Atakios, Gnollschlächter" too.
Patch | Update vom 6.12.
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 07. 2006 um 16:29 Uhr
*** Gameplay ***
Alle Klassen ermitteln jetzt ihre Basisabwehr basierend auf ihrer Klasse im Gegensatz zu der Abwehr die ihnen durch ihre Rüstung gegeben wird. Für jede Klasse ist der Wert der Abwehr gleichgesetzt mit dem originalen Abwehrwert der schwersten Rüstung die vor dem Update getragen werden konnte
*Wächter, Berserker, Paladine, Schattenritter, Templer, Inquisitoren: 5% Abwehr
*Assasinen, Waldläufer, Briganten, Abenteurer, Klagesänger, Troubadure, Schänder, Mystiker: 10% Abwehr
*Wärter, Furien, Mönche, Schläger: 15% Abwehr
*Zauberer, Hexenmeister, Erzwinger, Illusionisten, Nekromanten, Beschwörer: 24% Abwehr
*** Trials ***
- "Trial of the Isle" Konten wurden nun auf Stufe 10 limitiert.
*** Handwerksfertigkeiten ***
- Alptrauminfusionen und Tagträume sollten nun wie vorgesehen funktionieren.
EQ2 | Echoes of Faydwer - Feen Trial - 7 Tage testen
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 07. 2006 um 08:43 Uhr
Sony Online Entertainment hat nun eine 7 Tage Trail frei gegeben, mit welcher die Rasse der Fee ausprobiert und die Welt durch ihre Augen erkundet werden kann.
Sony Online Entertainment has launched a new free trial of EverQuest® II based on their recently released 3rd expansion, Echoes of Faydwer. Play the Fae, is a seven-day live trial which introduces adventurers to the rich and immersive fantasy world of EverQuest II through the eyes of a Fae, the new playable race introduced in the recent expansion. The tree-filled city of Kelethin provides the backdrop for players to quest and add new powers, abilities and items to their Fae character. Players can also try additional character races and classes, experimenting with different styles of play.
This trial doesn’t require a credit card or subscription; just visit the website, download and play.
Download the trial at www.playthefae.com. For more information on Echoes of Faydwer, visit the game website at www.echoesoffaydwer.com.
December 6, 2006
Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE), a recognized worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online games, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers around the globe. SOE creates, develops and provides compelling entertainment for the personal computer, online, game console and wireless markets. Known for its blockbuster franchises and hit titles including EverQuest®, EverQuest® II, Champions of Norrath®, Untold Legends™, and PlanetSide®, as well as for developing Star Wars Galaxies™, SOE continues to redefine the business of online gaming and the creation of active player communities while introducing new genres on various entertainment platforms. Headquartered in San Diego, CA, with additional development studios in Austin, TX, Seattle, WA, Denver, CO, and Taiwan, SOE has an array of cutting-edge games in development. SOE is owned by Sony Pictures Digital and Sony Computer Entertainment America. |
Link: Kommentare im Forum
EQ2 | Rasse: Die Arsai
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 04. 2006 um 23:00 Uhr
Es gab vor einiger Zeit schon einmal ein Grücht um eine weitere neue Rasse, die Arsai. Nun ist im offiziellen Forum ein Bild aus der Charaktererstellung aufgetaucht, auf welchem die Rasse der Arsai zu sehen ist, mit einer kleinen Beschreibung zu dieser Rasse.
We are creatures of pure magic, flesh is weak, but magic will never fail. - Mistress Densei of the Arsai. |
Link: Hier gehts zum Thread im offi. Forum
Link: Kommentare im Forum
Patch | GU 30 Preview
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 02. 2006 um 18:13 Uhr
Auf der engl. offiziellen EoF Seite gibt es seit Samstag ein Preview auf das nächste Game Update:
Game Update 30: Preview
Welcome to the official Preview for Game Update 30! This is a season of celebration for Norrath: the plentiful harvest is in, there is a crisp bite in the air, and the joyous laughter of the sylvan Fae rings across the land. Even the evil races are in the holiday mood, observing the season with quiet contemplation, and planning the deeds and adventures ahead. |
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Frostfell is a Deepice celebration whose origins are shrouded in mystery. Some historians believe that the festival was started by a demigod during the Lost Ages, when all of Norrath was under curse and no gods helped Norrathians – save one. This one, whoever it may have been, visited Norrath in secrecy and hid gifts of food and other supplies around Norrath to aid what was left of the populace at the time. Since then, Frostfell has come to be a community event. The Dark Elves and other evil races also participate in this season, although they believe that the gifts are the result of their own hard work and prowess.
Frostfell is a time for families and friends to come together and renew their bonds of kinship, a time when food and gifts are shared throughout the community, a celebration full of singing and quiet contemplation, parades, dances and meditations, and chipmunks roasting on an open fire. Players can expect plenty of fun, quirky quests and beautiful decorations – both the store-bought kind and the hand-made kind. Plus, log in each day to claim your special present!
Tag! You're It!
In addition to the customary Frostfell fun, we also have a special treat for you this year: games of Frostfell Candycane Grab'n'Tag for fun and prizes! These games will start every couple of hours in Freeport, Qeynos and Kelethin. Everyone is welcome to participate – but if you aren't feeling so adventurous at first, feel free to hang around and watch the excitement from the sidelines. When you're ready to join in, just sign up with the registrar.
Here's how it works: All you have to do is pick up more candy canes than anyone else. Sounds simple, right? Well, when the game starts, one person is randomly picked to be "it". The person who is "it" cannot pick up candy canes – instead, they need to chase down and tag someone else to be "it." The games move quickly and the winner gets a prize and their name posted on the scoreboard, so don't lollygag around – get dodging and tagging!
Play the Fae
As you can see, there's lots of fun headed your way with Game Update 30! But we also wanted to mention a special addition coming even before that.
The EverQuest II team is extremely proud of the Echoes of Faydwer expansion. We're looking forward to sharing it with all our friends and family over the holidays – and we hope you will too! In order to make the expansion accessible to all we will be launching a new trial program called Play the Fae. Starting on December 5th, anyone with new Station Account can log onto playthefae.com (.fr and .de for French and German) and try out a new Fae character through the Play the Fae 7-day free trial. This trial is similar to the Trial of the Isle, but it adds the ability to start in Greater Faydark as a Fae or any of the other races that can begin there. Your first character has to be a fae, and once you've been in game and checked it out, you can be anything that Trial of the Isle would let you be.
This update promises to be filled with excitement and fun! Goodness knows we're excited, and we sincerely hope that you are too. So have a good weekend, and we'll see you in Norrath! |
Patch | Patch vom 1.12.
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 02. 2006 um 18:09 Uhr
*** Gameplay ***
- Einwohner von Kelethin können nun die Quest Kelethin: Bürgerschaft beenden.
- Bürger von Kelethin können nun die Todesfaust-Zitadelle sowie ähnliche Instanzen betreten.
- Eine Anzahl an Gegenständen aus einer Serie, welche gefehlt haben, wurde nun nachgereicht.
- Ehemalige Anhänger von Brell und Marr welche ihre Quests erledigt haben, sollten nun in der Lage sein zu Bronlor oder Bayden, je nachdem, zu sprechen, um den Glauben an Ihren Gott zu erneuern.
*** Zaubersprüche ***
- Katalogkreaturen funktionieren nun wieder an nicht-angreifbaren NSCs.
- Paladin: Leistungen: Verbesserung: Gebet der Heilung: Die Kraftkostreduzierung wurde überarbeitet.
- Thaumaturge: Leistungen: Stärke 5: Konterklinge: Gegenzaubereffekt wurde überarbeitet.
Off-Topic | Wettbewerb: Male einen Helden
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 01. 2006 um 18:54 Uhr
Es ist nun schon eine Weile her seit dem wir einen Wettbewerb über ein Heldbild gestartet hatten. Hier sind nun die Einsendungen.
Alle Bilder in voller Größe findet ihr bei uns in der Galerie.
Vielen Dank für die Teilnahme.
Patch | Patch vom 30.11.
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 30. 2006 um 15:53 Uhr
*** Gameplay ***
- Die „Segmented Rumbler” in den Smaragdhallen sollten nicht mehr länger zu viele zusätzliche Helfer herbeirufen.
- Die „Segmented Rumbler“ sollten nicht mehr länger einen Zeitgeber für die Smaragdhallen nach ihrem Tod auslösen da sie lediglich das „Rumbler“-Ereigniss auslösen.
- Sie sollten nicht mehr länger beim Schild in der Nähe des „Sapling spur“ Aussenpostens beim wiedererwachen feststecken.
- Ein Problem, welches einen Clientabsturz veranlassen konnte während man sich in einer Überfallgruppe befand, wurde behoben.
- Die Chatkanäle funktionieren nun wieder wie gewohnt.
- Katalogkreaturen verursachen nicht mehr länger das Ziel aggressiv werden zu lassen.
- Die Geldbeutel der Dunkelelfen in Faydwer wurden zu einem angemessenen Betrag aufgefüllt, weit mehr als zuvor!
- Sie können nun wieder Leistungserfahrungspunkte in einer 24er Überfallgruppe erhalten.
![More](images/expand.gif) | Klick hier um mehr zu erfahren |
*** Benutzeroberfläche ***
- Der Reiter „Klassensortierung“ im Gildenfenster im Mitgliedsverzeichnis sortiert nun korrekt die angezeigten Klassennamen.
*** Handwerksfertigkeiten ***
- Der maximale Fähigkeitswert für Basteln und Umwandeln richtet sich nun nach der höheren Stufe (entweder Abenteuerstufe oder Handwerksstufe) in der sich Ihr Charakter befindet.
*** Quests ***
- Spieler welche durcheinander gewürfelte Quests von Rooleean in Oberfeendunkel erhalten haben, sollten nun in der Lage sein die Questreihe fortzusetzen.
- Ehemalige Bürger von Qeynos setzen ihre Klasse nicht mehr länger zurück wenn sie mit dem Lehrmeister in Kelethin sprechen nachdem die Einbürgerungszeremonie vollzogen wurde.
- Alle Spieler welche Echoes of Faydwer erworben haben, sollten nun in der Lage sein die Endinstanz von der Quest „Der Stab der Beobachter“ zu betreten.
- Das Ereignis in der „Die Hand des Ruhmes“ Quest, welches das Benutzen von beweglichen Fischen am Strand der Ausgedehnten Prärien voraussetzt, sollte mehr zuverlässig funktionieren.
- Sollen Sie aus versehen die Unterquest (Gogas Afadin oder Dem Ghoulfluch Macht verliehen) zur Quest „Das Symbol im Fleisch“ in Ihrem Tagebuch gelöscht haben, gehen Sie bitte zu Gogas Afadin oder Toranim Himmelsklinge. Diese werden Ihnen die Quests in den Ausgedehnten Prärien wieder anbieten.
*** Götter ***
- „Wrath of the Burning Prince“ belegt Beschwörer nicht mehr länger mit Schadensschilderzaubersprüchen oder Hitzebasierende Zaubersprüche welche keinen Schaden zufügen. Diese Veränderungen werden zudem verhindern dass Spielern aus versehen Schaden zugefügt wird.
- Ein Problem bezüglich dem Grüssen an Quellious, Bayden, Bronlor sowie Tychus wenn man seinen Gott nochmals nach Verzicht sowie beenden einiger ihrer Quests, anbeten möchte, wurde behoben.
*** Zonen ***
- Unterschlupf der Freidenker: Zylphax der Vernichter (Zylphax the Shredder) hinterlässt nicht mehr länger mehrere Vasen oder beschwört mehr als 6 Leute nachdem die Überfallgruppe vernichtet wurde.
- Sammelgegenstände sollten nun in den Nebelmoor-Katakomben korrekt auftreten.
- Schilder welche die Richtung nach Somborn anzeigen wurden am Eingang zu Unter-Feendunkel in den Ausgedehnten Prärien angebracht.
- Juwelier Bors Vonarstein ist nach Somborn umgezogen und verkauft nun dort herrliche Ketten, Armbänder und Ringe zu günstigen Preisen.
*** Gegenstände ***
- Dampfquellen-Rettiche sollten nun in Taschen gestapelt werden können. |
Gamona | Großer gamona-Adventskalender: Mitmachen und tolle Preise abräumen
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 30. 2006 um 09:55 Uhr
"Alle Jahre wieder" kommt nicht nur das Christkind, sondern auch eine Weihnachtsaktion von gamona.de. Schon letztes Jahr konntet Ihr beim großen gamona-Adventskalender tolle Preise gewinnen - dieses Jahr setzen wir noch einen drauf!
Unter dem Motto "Weihnachten im Leben eines ganz normalen Zockers" werden wir eine 24-teilige Bildergeschichte präsentieren. Am 1.12 geht es los, danach gibts jeden Tag ein weiteres Bild - bis zum großen Finale am 24. Dezember.
Euch laden wir dabei ein, mitzumachen. Schickt uns Bilder inklusive Kommentar und zeigt uns, wie Zocker "ihren" heiligen Abend verbringen. Ob es sich dabei um Fotos, Screenshots oder selbstgezeichnete Werke handelt spielt keine Rolle - die Einsendungen müssen nur zu unserem Thema passen. Und natürlich unterhaltsam sein, aber das versteht sich ja von selbst, oder? ![](images/smilies/wink.gif)
Die besten 24 Einsendungen werden zusammen mit dem Namen des Einsenders im gamona-Adventskalender veröffentlicht und mit einem Preis belohnt. Wir haben tief in unsere Wundertüte gegriffen und massenhaft Spiele, signierte Artworks, Actionfiguren und vieles mehr hervorgezaubert.
Das ist aber noch nicht alles: Ab dem 1. Dezember verlost gamona jeden Tag weitere tolle Preise - am 24. gibts den großen Hauptgewinn. Mitmachen kann jeder - egal, ob ihr euch an den Einsendungen beteiligt habt oder nicht.
Also: zündet die Kerzen an, lasst eurer Kreativiät freien Lauf und schickt uns eure Bilder - das gamona-Team freut sich auf eure Ideen!
Link: zu gamona.de
Link: Bilder einsenden
EoF | Morticus über Lesser Faydark
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 29. 2006 um 08:59 Uhr
Auf der offiziellen EoF Seite gibt es mal wieder ein neues Interview mit den Devs über die neuen Zonen. Lesser Faydark ist diesmal dran:
Can you tell us a bit about Lesser Faydark?
Morticus: Well, Lesser Fay or LFay as it's called by some – is the smaller extension of the Faydark forest in the continent of Faydwer. Much has changed to the forest over the last four to five hundred years, which is easily noticeable with a quick look around. The first thing you will notice is that the zone is pretty much devoid of trees, but is now filled with huge towering mushrooms, twisted overgrowing vines and gigantic flowers. I really think it gives the zone a great sense of magic and wonder, especially over the traditional coniferous forests you find in most fantasy games. Tunare hasn't forgotten her followers that reside within the Lesser Fay either, which is evident by the Great Tree that grows within her grove in the Northern part of the zone. Some say that the Great Tree sprouted from a seed taken from Tunare's home within the Plane of Growth. |
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Lesser Faydark features ravenous plant growth. Can you explain the events that lead to all this incredible growth?
Morticus: Oh yeah, the Loa'Sur river that flows from the Emerald Halls is to blame. The water that runs through and permeates the forest of the Lesser Fay is rich in life and growth, all due to the influence caused by the Bloom of Growth Wuoshi is guarding in the Emerald Halls. At the beginning of the Age of Cataclysms during the Rending, a tremor cracked open the lair in which Wuoshi and the Bloom of Growth had been hiding. This fissure within the mountains allowed for light to shine upon the Bloom and water to flow into the Lesser Faydark. Before Tunare left her plane with the gods, she wanted to be sure that she left something behind in her absence… Wary of trusting her beloved Elves due to their invasion of her plane and attacks on the inhabitants there, she deemed them unworthy and sought another. (Bad bad adventurers!) She noticed Wuoshi, a dragon well learned in druidic magics and felt she could entrust him enough to guard the Bloom in her absence. She bade Wuoshi to hide it deep within the mountains and agreeing to guard it with his life, Tunare endowed him with some of her power, thus making Wuoshi the Guardian of Growth.
Can you describe the population in Lesser Faydark and what it's significance is in EQ2?
Morticus: The magical nature of the creatures there has allowed them to survive through the Rending and the overpowering nature of the Bloom. Lots of our old favorites are still there in Lesser Faydark… Brownies, Unicorns, Fae Drakes, Fairies, Wisps and the like, have all managed to survive there for hundreds of years… It's even been said by travelers passing through the Shadowed Grove that Equestrielle the Corrupted can be seen from time to time, yet no one at any of the taverns has managed to prove they've seen her…
The Court of the Fae is an extension of Queen Amree and the peoples that resides within the city of Kelethin. They are there to maintain a hold on the Lesser Faydark from the Void creatures that have been passing through into the region. The Nybright Family are the descendants and various criminal types that have chosen to align themselves with the family and their bandit like ways. The followers of Wu that exist in the Northwestern portion of the Lesser Faydark are those loyal to Wu the Enlightened and continue to meditate on his teachings and those of Zan Fi from ages past. The Satyr of the Fugutr Tribe are devout followers of Tunare and exist to help protect the Emerald Halls from those wishing to cause harm to the Bloom of Growth or obtain it for their own use. The Thexians that exist within the region have returned after many years of absence and have been ramping up their efforts in the region. They have been sent by Prince Talvus Thex to obtain an ancient artifact hidden somewhere within the Wu Encampment and are on strict orders not to return empty handed... |
EoF | EoF heute abend auf Giga
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 28. 2006 um 18:01 Uhr
Heute um 20 Uhr zeigt Giga in seinem Onlinewelten Programm Bilder aus dem neuem Addon Echoes of Faydwer. DAzu wird auch über Ragnarok in dem zweistündigem Programm berichtet. Wer diese Ausgabe verpasst, der darf um 5 Uhr nachts die Wiederholung angucken.
Erreichbar ist Giga über den Stream auf dieser Seite
EQ2 | Erste Level 70 Fae
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 26. 2006 um 13:33 Uhr
Die Fae gibt es erst seit 12 Tagen und schon gibt es die erste Level 70 Fae. Lans vom Blackburrow Server hat es als erster geschafft. Mija vom Guk Server könnte die nächste Level 70 Fae sein, sie ist erst 58.
Patch | 2 neue Interviews
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 25. 2006 um 15:49 Uhr
Das erste Interview über Kelethin hat leider nur eine Frage und eine Antwort:
What are the coolest areas in Kelethin?
Owlchick: Kelethin is in the Greater Faydark zone itself. What I love best about it is just standing on any of the platforms and looking around. The views are lovely and the little blue wisps drifting about the town are absolutely enchanting. And, oddly enough for me since I'm very frightened of heights (I had a hard time working on Kingdom of Sky because looking over the edges of those islands in the sky was too scary), I love finding new places to jump from the platforms, both as a Fae and as a non-Fae. I used to die quite a bit doing this by accident in EQ Live, so perhaps now that I can do it on purpose, it's less unsettling. Wheee! |
Das zweite Interview hat Ak´Anon als Thema und ein gewisser Peter wurde befragt:
Tell us a bit of a background on the Clockworks?
Peter: The clockworks are machines that were left in Ak'Anon when the gnomes left during the Shattering. In order to survive, the clockworks became self relient and rebuilt the city to become their own. The place eventually became their kingdom and they renamed it Klak'Anon. As they have evolved, they started to recognize their own superiority over everything else, even the gnomes. This is creating a problem for the gnomes now that they have returned to Steamfont and wants to reclaim what was once their beloved kingdom |
![More](images/expand.gif) | Klick hier um mehr zu erfahren |
We've seen the Clockwork Menace, is that who's really running the show?
Peter: The Clockwork Menace is the latest, most powerful clockwork model in Klak'Anon. It's sole purpose is to overpower any opposition in a battlefield. The building of this clockwork is to show an indication that the clockworks of Klak'Anon have an agenda to eventually want to come out and takeover Steamfont. The city itself is run by a different entity, but players will have to discover that on their own.
Ak'Anon is a place many gnomes hold dear does Klak'Anon pay homage to those memories?
Peter: Although some parts of Klak'Anon are still identical to old Ak'Anon like the zoo, the Clockwork have pretty much converted the place to be more mechanical now that it is their city.
Any reason why there's all these gears around and no actual Clocks or Watches?
Peter: Again this is now the home of the clockworks and everything is built according to their needs. Instead of building clocks and watches, they find it more important to build clockwork parts that will allow them to assemble more clockworks to increase their number and survivability. There is a massive clock in the ceiling of one of the rooms in Klak'Anon, that was a prototype for the tower the gnomes built in Qeynos. |
Patch | Patch vom 23.11.
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 25. 2006 um 15:24 Uhr
*** Quests ***
- Die Quest bei dem der Edelstein-Analysator in Kaladim zerstört werden soll aktualisiert nun auch die in Verbindung stehende Quest „Dunfire Diamonds are a Dwarf's Best Friend“
*** Gegenstände ***
- Der Schadenswert des Umhanges des brennenden Prinzen verteilt sich nun gleichermassen durch die DoT-Einheiten (Schaden über Zeit).
- Der „Wurmslayer” ist nicht mehr länger umwandelbar und kann auch nicht mehr an einem Altar der Gottheit geopfert werden.
*** Handwerksfertigkeiten ***
- Der Gnomische „Safety Recaller” sollte nun „Vandium Cluster“ als Hauptbestandsteil akzeptieren. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad des Rezeptes ist nun in einer Reihe mit der Stufe des Rezeptes.
- Der „Overclocked Gnomish Hovering Device” sollte nun „Raw Acrylia“ als Hauptbestandsteil akzeptieren.
- Die Auswirkung des „Glancing Splints“ wurde halbiert.
- Gnomische Luclin-Stiefel akzeptieren nun Feenstahl als Hauptbestandsteil.
- „Rose Colored Goggles snow” akzeptiert Velium als Aufbaukomponent.
- “Gnomish Flotation Device” setzt nun die richtigen Bestandteile vorraus.
- „Enfulfing Roots“ (Lehrling) Rezept beinhaltet nun ein verarbeitetes Produkt der Lehrling III Version.
*** Zonen ***
- Das Nest des grossen Eis hat den Schadensmodifikator bei einigen Haupt- und Bossbegegnungen reduziert. |
Gamona | gamona aktuell: Killerspiele im Fadenkreuz
Veröffentlicht von: Gryphus am 23. 2006 um 23:17 Uhr
Das Thema Killerspiele ist seit dem Amoklauf von Emsdetten wieder in aller Munde, die Berichterstattung in den Medien und die Aussagen "unserer" Politiker irgendwo zwischen fragwürdig, inkompetent und verantwortungslos. Mit einer mehrteiligen Artikelreihe widmet sich gamona.de der Killerspiel-Debatte. Hintergründe, Presse- und Branchenstimmen werden für euch aufbereitet - Diskussion ausdrücklich erwünscht!
Folgende Artikel sind bisher erschienen:
Ebenfalls sehr interessant ist die Kolumne Debil durchs Spiel - Zerstören Games unsere Körper? zum Thema Spielkrankheiten. Ihr seht, gamona ist für euch immer am Puls der Zeit. Schaut doch einfach mal vorbei und beteiligt euch an den Diskussionen.
Link: zur Killerspiel-Debatte
Patch | Patch vom 22.11
Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 22. 2006 um 08:50 Uhr
Leider ist der Log wieder auf english
*** Gameplay ***
- You should no longer get stuck at the sign near the respawn at the sapling spur outpost.
- The Laboratory of Lord Vyemm should be more reasonable to fight in again. All mobs, named, boss, and base population have had modifications done to their stats and abilities.
- The Vaults of El'Arad has been tuned down to be more in line with its intended difficulty. Mobs should be hitting less hard than they were and be less resistant to some spells.
- Nizara mobs have been retuned down to accommodate the changes in the new combat system. Mobs should be doing less auto-attack damage and some special abilities such as flame claw should be more reasonable.
- The Mark of the Awakened Trial 4 has had its mobs tuned down to accommodate the changes in the new combat system. Mobs should be doing less auto-attack damage and some special abilities have been modified to be less punishing in their damage.
- Wizard Manaburn and Necromancer Lifeburn will correctly report their spell name with their damage in the chat log.
- Brigand and Swashbuckler defensive stances now have increased mitigation percentage from 15% to 18%.
- Monk and Bruiser defensive stances now have a minimum deflection percentage of 7.5%.
- Monk and Bruiser defensive stances now have increased mitigation percentage from 15% to 20%
- Slatepaw growlers in Butcherblock are no longer heroic.
- Kelethin citizens should now be able to buy the guild level 15, 20, 25, and 35 status horses. |
![More](images/expand.gif) | Klick hier um mehr zu erfahren |
*** Quests ***
- The elemental monks used in the fourth quest, "Lock and Key" given by Sharina Nybright in Lesser Faydark should now spawn correctly.
- Serith Ludd should now know when you have completed the third order from the Nybright family.
- The Descendant of the Torig will now properly update the "Restoring Ghoulbane" quest.
- Those who thought they'd completed the quest Kelethin: Citizenship but did not receive their bind point or Call of Kelethin abilities should speak with Gibrien Marsden to go through the citizenship ceremony one more time.
- While on the quest "Entering the Veil", you can now get another mask or recipe from Ihriel without having to delete and re-start the quest. It is also now possible to collect Corpudermus Husks while on the stage of the quest that asks you to create the Muktuk Veil Mask.
*** Items ***
- Cozy Research Slippers now have the correct appearance.
- The Cloak of Valor (Marr) will now proc correctly while equipping a proc'ing weapon.
- The Cloak of Tranquility (Quellious) will now have a correct chance to proc when a hostile spell is cast.
- Shadow Strider Boots' proc should now work correctly
- Buckler of the Howler's proc should now work correctly
- The Muktuk Veil Mask will now only function while within the Looping Plains, while out of combat. Additionally it has a 5 minute reuse and 15s casting timer.
- A Monk's "Combination" can no longer be resisted.
*** PVP ***
- Items which trigger beneficial spells will no longer proc and force you into combat until you fight back. Note this has no impact on PvE servers and the items will continue to function the same. |
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