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|Chat zwischen Moorgard und Antonia Bayle

Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 08. 2004 um 07:37 Uhr

eq2.crgaming.com veröffentlichte heute den zweiten Teil des Chats zwischen Moorgard und den Machthabern in EQ2. Diesmal war die Machthaberin von Qeynos dran und der gesamte Chat auf english ist wie immer in den Details, hier die Zusammenfassung:

  • Antonia und Antonius ist der offizielle Titel in Qeynos statt König
  • Antonia Bayle wurde auf einer Insel auf Ocean of Tears geboren, wuchs bei den Schwestern der Erollisi, einem Orden von weiblichen Kämpfern auf und ist vor 10 Jahren nach Qeynos zurückgekehrt.
  • Viele aus der Bayle Familie sind durch die Verwüstungen getötet worden, aber die Bayle Familie lebt weiter.
  • Antonia Bayle ist die Nachfahrerin von Antonius Bayle IV, dieser verliebte sich in die Hochelfin Lady Shae und sie bekamen ein Kind. Lady Shae wollte, dass dieses weder in Qeynos noch in Felwithe aufgezogen wird, da die Hochelfen in Felwithe auf sie herabschauen würden, aufgrund ihrer Liebe zu einem Menschen. Deshalb floh sie zu den Schwestern der Erollisi auf die Insel um dort zu leben. Durch die später einsetzenden Katastrophen, wurde die Insel zunehmend isoliert, da es nicht mehr möglich war den Ozean zu überqueren. Lady Shae starb, und Generationen später wurde Antonia Bayle auf der Insel geboren
  • Nach dem Ende der Verwüstungen kam ein Schiff mit Menschen auf die Insel an und sie erzählten den Schwestern, dass die Bayle Familie ausgestorben sei. Daraufhin klärten sie Antonia Bayle auf, wer sie ist und fuhren nach Qeynos, wobei 4 Schwestern als persönliche Wache mitkamen.
  • Qeynos wurd bei der Ankunft von Antonia Bayle von einem Rat, dem Circle of Five regiert. Sie kam vor den Rat und ihre Herkunft wurde geprüft. Als sie als eine Bayle anerkannt wurde, bekam sie ein Training um ihre zukünftige Rolle als Führerin so gut wie möglich zu erfüllen. Auch die Bevölkerung von Qeynos akzeptierte sie als die neue Führerin.
  • Vor 7 Jahren bestieg sie den Thron von Qeynos und nahm den Titel "Antonia Bayle" an. Sie arbeitete immer noch eng mit dem Circle of Five zusammen.
  • Der ursprüngliche Name von Antonia Bayle ist Shirrana
  • Sie ist hauptsächlich ein Mensch, weniger eine Hochelfin.
  • Sie ist ledig, jedoch denkt der Rat, dass es weise sein würde, wenn sie sich einen Mann suchen würde, damit die Bayle Familie weiterleben kann. Sie sieht es auch als ihre Pflicht an. Sie möchte aber Moorgard nicht, haha.
  • Zwischen Qeynos und Freeport besteht zur Zeit ein kaltes, aber zu tolerierendes Verhältnis. Es herrscht jedoch ein gewisser Frieden zwischen beiden Städten.
  • Ihrer Ansicht nach toleriert Lucan die Flüchtlinge nur um seine Macht durch diese zu vergrössern. Ursprünglich wollte er sich aussuchen, welche Flüchtlinge er aufnehmen wollte, aber Antonia lehnte ab, da Lucan dann nur die Stärksten und Gesündesten aufnehmen würde. Lucans einzige Motive seien sein eigener Wohlstand und Ego.
  • Die Ziele von Antonia Bayle sind eine Zusammenarbeit aller Bürger von Qeynos um den Wohlstand von einst wieder herzustellen. Dies kann nur durch Kameradschaft und einigkeit erzielt werden.
  • Kommentare hierhin

    Veröffentlicht von: gracjanski am 08. 2004 - 07:50 Uhr

    Moorgard: First off, I`m at a bit of a loss as to how I should address you. Do you have the title of queen? Should I refer to you as "your highness"?

    Antonia: Actually, Antonia is my title. It was decreed by Antonius Bayle the First that no ruler of Qeynos should ever be called king. As a result, the name Antonius became the title taken by every descendent of that bloodline who wore the crown. Being a woman, I took the liberty of altering the title slightly.

    Moorgard: Your ascension to the throne of Qeynos was a bit unusual. Is it true that you were not even born in the city?

    Antonia: That is correct. I was born on an island in the Ocean of Tears and raised by the Sisters of Erollisi, an order of female warriors. I arrived in Qeynos about a decade ago.

    Moorgard: What happened to the Bayle family over the years?

    Antonia: As you know, the last five centuries have been extremely difficult for the people of Norrath. There was a devastating loss of life due to war and cataclysms, and that loss touched the house of Bayle as well. Many of my ancestors died in battle or due to disaster, yet the family line continued. But the greatest blow came just after the Shattering destroyed the moon of Luclin. During a ceremony at sea to bury the honored dead, the royal barge was destroyed by a terrible meteor shower. There were no survivors. Most assumed that the Bayle line had been obliterated.

    Moorgard: How do you fit into the Bayle lineage?

    Antonia: I am a descendent of Antonius Bayle IV. He fell in love with a high elf named Lady Shae, and she bore a child. Lady Shae did not want to raise her child within the city of Qeynos and she knew the elves in Felwithe would look down upon her for loving a human, so she went to live with the Sisters of Erollisi. Antonius Bayle IV understood her choice, and gave her a handwritten scroll that acknowledged the child`s paternity. When the Age of Cataclysms began and the ocean became too turbulent to cross, the island was isolated. Though Lady Shae herself perished, her family lived on, and eventually I was born. As a child I had no idea of my heritage, but the Sisters had sworn to Lady Shae that they would keep the scroll safe and pass it down to her descendents.

    Moorgard: How did you come to Qeynos?

    Antonia: When the cataclysms finally subsided and the seas began to calm, a ship of humans arrived on our island. Among the things they told us about the last several centuries was that the Bayle family had been wiped out. The Sisters were startled to learn this and decided to reveal the truth of my lineage to me. The ship`s captain agreed to take us to Qeynos, and four of the Sisters vowed to travel with me and act as my personal guard.

    Moorgard: What was going on in Qeynos at the time, and what was the reaction to your arrival?

    Antonia: Following the destruction of the royal barge, the city was ruled by a council called the Circle of Five. When I arrived in Qeynos, I was brought before the council and they verified that the scrolls explaining my lineage were genuine. I was little more than a girl at the time, so they thought it best that I receive some training in what it meant to be a leader. When I was finally presented to the people of Qeynos, I must say that I was very touched and honored that they embraced me as a true Bayle. Seven years ago I took the throne and assumed the title of Antonia Bayle. Since then I have worked closely with the Circle of Five, who remain invaluable to me in my efforts to be a fair leader.

    Moorgard: If you don`t mind my asking, what is your given name?

    Antonia: I was named Shirrana, though everyone now calls me Antonia.

    Moorgard: One of your ancestors was a high elf, yet you certainly look human.

    Antonia: Aside from Lady Shae, the majority of my bloodline is indeed human. That is what I consider myself to be, though I hope that I have inherited at least some of the grace and wisdom of the elven people.

    Moorgard: If you`ll forgive yet another personal question, what is your marital status?

    Antonia: I am unwed. The council thinks it wise that I choose a husband and produce an heir so that the Bayle family line may continue. I agree that this is a duty I have to my people, so it is a matter I shall investigate in the near future.

    Moorgard: That`s excellent news. How do you feel about monks?

    Antonia: They make excellent servants. Besides, don`t you have some sort of vow of celibacy?

    Moorgard: Okay, I can take a hint. Getting back on track, how are relations between Qeynos and Freeport these days?

    Antonia: Rocky, but tolerable. I don`t trust Lucan D`Lere one bit, but so far he is abiding by our treaty to take in refugees from the Shattered Lands. There is currently an uneasy peace between our cities.

    Moorgard: I chatted with the Overlord recently. He paints himself as Norrath`s last, best hope for prosperity.

    Antonia: Ridiculous! If Lucan has his way, he will enslave the world and use it to feed his insatiable greed and massive ego. He cares nothing for anyone`s welfare but his own. The only reason he accepts refugees into Freeport is to expand his empire. He even had the audacity to demand first pick of all refugees so that he could keep the strong and send the sick and injured to Qeynos. I refused, and he finally agreed to let the refugees choose their own fate. Do not be fooled by his attempts to rewrite history or taken in by his false air of benevolence.

    Moorgard: What goals do you have for your reign?

    Antonia: I wish for the citizens of Qeynos to work together to rebuild our lands and return to the prosperity of the past. It is my firm belief that we can only achieve this goal through fellowship and unity. Though Lucan and the forces of darkness may oppose us, he cannot stand in our way. Tyrants inevitably fall, even those with unnaturally long life spans.

    Moorgard: Those are some pretty harsh words for your rival.

    Antonia: I do not fear Lucan, nor am I afraid of conflict. But I will honor the treaty we have made. If it is ever to be broken, it will be his twisted hand that does it. Until that day, we will be watching his actions closely.



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